Programme > Posters

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Liste des posters

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T1: Algorithms & data structures for sequences

Wed. 6th
T1.2 ROCK: digital normalization of whole genome sequencing data (Alexis Criscuolo)
T1.4 Évaluation comparative des méthodes d’alignement multiple de séquences appliquées au séquençage de troisième génération (Coralie Rohmer)
T1.6 SVJedi-graph: genotyping close and overlapping structural variants with a variation graph and long-reads (Sandra Romain)
T1.8 A novel weight-based approach to determine cell type specificity from single cell datasets (Yanis Habtoun)
T1.10 Memory efficient subsampling strategy for large scale analysis of sequencing data (Timothé Rouzé)
T1.12 Interpreting mass spectra differing from their peptide models by several modifications (Albane Lysiak)
T1.14 ToulligQC 2: fast and comprehensive quality control for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data (Laurent Jourdren)
T1.16 A nextflow workflow for peptide sequence design in a targeted proteomic approach (Sylvère Bastien)

Thu. 7th
T1.1 EstiAge: A tool to estimate the age of a variant (Thomas Ludwig)
T1.3 msscaf: a multiple source genome scaffolder (Matthias Zytnicki)
T1.5 Preliminary Results from Nanopore Q20+ sequencing (Claire Kuchly)
T1.7 Breakpoint detection in shallow and targeted panel in Rhabdomyosarcomas (Camille Benoist)
T1.9 Identifying Copy Number Variations in exome data – applications to infertility. (Amandine Septier)
T1.11 AptaMat: a matrix-based algorithm to compare single-stranded oligonucleotides secondary structures (Thomas Binet)
T1.13 MAM : Methylation Analysis of Microalgae. (Simon Brocard)
T1.15 Benchmark of Nvidia Clara Parabricks suite for GPU-accelerated bioinformatic processing of raw RNA-seq data (Etienne Bardet)


T2: Knowledge representation, databases & visualization

Wed. 6th
T2.2 Improving attribute exploration for the detection and correction of anomalies in an agroecological knowledge base (Nassif Saab)
T2.4 The Phaeoexplorer Database: a Multi-Scale Genomic and Transcriptomic Data Resource for the Brown Algae (Loraine Brillet-Guéguen)
T2.6 Omnicrobe, an open-access database of microbial habitats, phenotypes and uses extracted from text (Sandra Dérozier)
T2.8 The advantage of having a web dedicated group in a Bioinformatic team (Rachel Torchet)
T2.10 Heterogeneous biological data integration with Semantic Web technologies using RDF or RDF-Star formalisms generate topologically different graphs (Christophe Heligon)
T2.12 APPINetwork : an R package for building and computational analysis of protein-protein interaction networks (Simon Gosset)
T2.14 Computational analysis of molecules, olfactory receptors, odors and their interactions (Guillaume Ollitrault)
T2.16 In-silico genome-wide detection of common fragile sites in human cells using BrdU-seq data (Nathan Alary)

Thu. 7th
T2.1 MetExploreViz: Visualization tool for metabolic networks (Jean-Clément Gallardo)
T2.3 MyGOD : Interface de visualisation et d’analyse de données provenant des observatoires génomiques marins (Charlotte André)
T2.5 Accessibilité des modèles pharmacocinétiques physiologiques (Sidonie Halluin)
T2.7 IDy-Path : Identification Dynamique des épidémies de Pathogènes (Bryce Leterrier)
T2.9 Cirscan: a shiny application to decipher circRNA-miRNA-mRNA networks from multi-level transcriptomic data (Rose-Marie Fraboulet)
T2.11 Revisiting iPPI-DB as a tool to navigate the pocketome protein-protein interactions (Fabien Mareuil)
T2.13 PGxCorpus and PGxLOD, two shared resources for knowledge management in pharmacogenomics (Adrien Coulet)
T2.15 Expanding FORVM Knowledge graph with link suggestion for under-studied compounds (Clément Frainay)


T3: Evolution, phylogeny & comparative genomics

Wed. 6th
T3.2 MPS Sampling : a novel method allowing the reliable selection of representative genomes to infer large-scale phylogenies (Coudert Rémi-Vinh)
T3.4 MicroScope: a web platform for microbial genome annotation through pangenomic and metabolic analysis (Calteau Alexandra)
T3.6 Yeast recombination specificity impact on demography inference (Louis Ollivier)
T3.8 Caractérisation du contenu en gènes de l’espèce bactérienne Coxiella burnetii issue de différentes lignées en Europe (Aminah Keliet)
T3.10 Evolution is not uniform along coding sequences (Raphaël Bricout)
T3.12 Characterization of the genomic diversity of S. Typhimurium and its monophasic variant in France in pig herds (Madeleine De Sousa Violante)
T3.14 Bacterial J-Domain Proteins and Partners Identification and Classification (Roland Barriot)
T3.16 MacSyFinder v2: An improved search engine to model and identify molecular systems in genomes (Bertrand Néron)
T3.18 Evolution of Tandemly Arrayed Genes in Rosaceae (Landès)
T3.20 Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of the phytoparasitic nematode and virus vector Xiphinema index (Robbe-Sermesant ; Péré)
T3.22 The effect of chromosomal rearrangements on base composition evolution in mammals (Yves Clément)
T3.24 DNA methylation patterns of transcription factor binding regions characterize their functional and evolutionary contexts (Martina Rimoldi)
T3.26 Multispecies comparison of fruit development through mRNA quantification analysis (Chloé Beaumont)
T3.28 Impact of sequencing platforms on cgMLST and wgSNP analyses on species of Listeria and Salmonella (Yao Amouzou)
T3.30 Fast Construction and Extension of Gene Families (Aurélie Maurin)
T3.32 Screening of the natural two-component systems repertoire to establish guidelines for the construction of synthetic chimeras (Emilie Cottard)

Thu. 7th
T3.1 Evaluation of word-based alignment-free methods for yeast genome comparison and taxonomy (Emmanuel Buse Falay)
T3.3 Alternative splicing modulates the number and composition of similar exonic regions (Hugues Richard)
T3.5 Comparative study of protein aggregation propensity and mutation tolerance between naked mole-rat and mouse (Savandara Besse)
T3.7 Wood-decomposing fungi through the lens of genomes comparison (Annie Lebreton)
T3.9 The genomic basis of the Streptococcus thermophilus health-promoting properties (Aurélie Nicolas - Emeline Roux)
T3.11 Most of the genetic diversity of the Wolbachia infecting Culex pipiens lies in the prophage regions (Camille Mestre)
T3.13 Deciphering the distribution of quinone biosynthetic pathways across Proteobacteria (Sophie-Carole Chobert)
T3.15 Identification of conserved Regulatory Sequences in Ray-finned Fishes (Jeanne Bauduin)
T3.17 Structural variation involving transposable elements associated with grain width in cultivated rice (Carpentier)
T3.19 Alpha-solenoid proteins for the regulation of organellar gene expression: evolutionary history and conformation studies in photosynthetic model species (Céline Cattelin)
T3.21 Gene orthology detection for Long Non Coding RNA (LncRNA) (Sandrine Lagarrigue)
T3.23 Exploration and modeling the evolution of metabolic networks in fungi (Vahiniaina Andriamanga)
T3.25 Evolution of promoter-centered 3D genome architecture across mammalian tissues (Martina Rimoldi)
T3.27 MockVirus: expanding viral phylogenetic trees by protein sequence simulation (Julia Kende)
T3.29 Automatization and optimization of TEFLoN, an accurate tool for detecting insertions of transposable elements (Corentin Marco)
T3.31 Caulifinder : a pipeline for automatic detection and annotation of endogenous viral sequences of Caulimoviridae (Helena Vassilieff)


T4: Functional and integrative genomics

Wed. 6th
T4.2 A comprehensive map of preferentially located motifs reveals novel proximal cis-regulatory elements in plants (Julien Rozière)
T4.4 MYC deficiency impairs the development of effector/memory T lymphocytes (Nozais Mathis)
T4.6 Impact of genomic variation on CTCF binding and 3D genome organization in breast cancer cells (Julie Segueni)
T4.8 Research and development at the I2BC Next-Generation Sequencing Facility: an overview (Delphine Naquin)
T4.10 Automated identification of a cancer patient treatment: from sequencing to treatment prioritization (Nicolas Soirat)
T4.12 Rattus norvegicus reference genome evaluation for hippocampus RNA-seq data analysis: a glimpse into spatial transcriptomics (Christophe Le Priol)
T4.14 PDXploR, a transcriptomic comparison methodology for PDX models and matched Patient samples, a case study on osteosarcoma. (Robin Droit)
T4.16 Chromatin meta-profiling of healthy and cancer cells using publicly available datasets (Meije Mathé)
T4.18 Multi-omics and multi-tissues data to improve the understanding of heat stress adaptation mechanisms (Guilhem Huau)
T4.20 Investigating the resistance to mIDH inhibitors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia integrating multiple regulatory layers (Alexis Hucteau)
T4.22 Computational deconvolution of transcriptomics data reveals immune cell landscape of inflammatory infiltrates in giant cell arteritis (Michal Zulcinski)
T4.24 Interaction dynamics comparison of the models of Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 variants of SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD in complex with human ACE2 through MD simulations and MM-PBSA calculations (Audrey Deyawe Kongmeneck)
T4.26 Identification of molecular subtypes from Triple-negative breast cancer tumors (Kévin Merchadou)
T4.28 AskoR, an R package for easy RNA-Seq data analysis illustrated by the analysis of plant/pathogen/microbiote interactions (Kévin Gazengel)
T4.30 Pipeline d’identification extensive de Variations Structurales dans du reséquençage nanopore de génome complet pour l’identification de mutations dans des maladies rares (Seydi Thimbo)
T4.32 scRNA-seq with Nanopore sequencing: benchmark of approaches based on hybrid sequencing (Hamraoui Ali)

Thu. 7th
T4.1 Extensive Characterisation of Mitochondrial Genomes in Chemically Induced Mouse Liver Tumours (Maëlle Daunesse)
T4.3 Long reads RNA sequencing analysis with Oxford Nanopore Technologies: comparison of different library protocols and bioinformatics processing (Asmae Bachr)
T4.5 Analysis of single-cell RNA-seq human PBMC datasets (Eric Bonnet)
T4.7 GenomiqueENS, the IBENS Genomics core facility (Laurent Jourdren)
T4.9 Predicting clinical response to immunotherapy in melanoma (Matthieu Genais)
T4.11 RiboMethSeq platform at CRCL/CLB to profile ribosomal RNA 2’O-ribose methylation (Théo Combe)
T4.13 TnSeek : analysing Tn-seq data for multiple conditions and multiple species (Areski Flissi)
T4.15 Prediction of pediatric cancer patient progression with non-invasive procedures: Pipeline to automatize liquid biopsy analysis (Baptiste Audinot)
T4.17 Single-cell deconvolution model predictive of patient survival in clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (ccRCC) (Gwendoline Lecuyer)
T4.19 Single-cell ATAC-seq integration highlight epigenetics remodeling within HSC quiescence signaling. (Alexandre Pelletier)
T4.21 Detection of nucleotide repeat expansions by exome sequencing of Parkinson's disease patients using ExpansionHunter (Fanny Casse)
T4.23 Integration analysis for AAV-based gene therapy vectors with linked-read sequencing (Mallaury Vie)
T4.25 Atlas and biological significance of transcribed non-coding regions of the human genome (Pierre De Langen)
T4.27 QC impact on rare variant association results based on whole exome sequencing data (Raphael Blanchet)
T4.29 ReMap 2022: a database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments (Hammal Fayrouz)
T4.31 Harnessing gene expression profiling to infer the activation states of dendritic cell types, their dynamical relationships and their molecular regulation (Ammar Sabir Cheema)


T5: Metagenomics, metatranscriptomics & microbial ecosystems

Wed. 6th
T5.2 Analyse de la diversité génétique des communautés planctoniques du Pacifique Sud-Ouest influencé par l’arc volcanique des Tonga (Charlotte Berthelier)
T5.4 metagWGS: a workflow to analyse short and long HiFi metagenomic reads (Claire Hoede)
T5.6 Construction of a reference genome catalog to decipher shared strains along an agrifood chain with shotgun metagenomic data (Solène Pety)
T5.8 A metapangenomic approach for the association of prokaryotic genes to given phenotypic traits (Nicinthya Pajanissamy)
T5.10 Towards omics-based distribution modelling of marine plankton associations at global scale (Marinna Gaudin)
T5.12 Analyzing and modelling functions carried by key species in minimal microbial communities (Chabname Ghassemi Nedjad)
T5.14 An eucaryote-friendly set of python scripts for multi-sample shotgun metagenomics and its associated Shiny application for microbiota exploration (Fiona Bottin)

Thu. 7th
T5.1 PANORAMA : comparative pangenomics tools to explore interspecies diversity of microbial genomes (Jérôme Arnoux)
T5.3 FROGSFUNC: Smart integration of PICRUSt2 software into FROGS pipeline (Vincent Darbot)
T5.5 Eco-evolutionary diversity of the global ocean microbiome across plankton size fraction (Nicolas Henry)
T5.7 Full-length 16S rRNA gene MinION™ sequencing characterizing bacterial microbiota at species-level? (Valentine Gilbart)
T5.9 Deciphering molecular mechanisms governing malignant transformation in Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) from single cell transcriptomic (Audrey Onfroy)
T5.11 Characterising competition and cooperation potentials in microbial communities using discrete models of metabolism (Lecomte Maxime)
T5.13 Construction of ASVs networks to monitor the temporal dynamics of bacterial communities - Application to public datasets on vegetable fermentations (Romane Junker)


T6: Structural bioinformatics & proteomics

Wed. 6th
T6.2 An integrative bioinformatics approach to explore the biodiversity of enzyme families (Elisée)
T6.4 Getting two birds with one stone: the Bios2cor R package for protein correlation analysis (Marie Chabbert)
T6.6 Molecular modeling of plasmodesm organization by MCTP proteins (Sujith Sritharan)
T6.8 Investigating structural and sequence determinants of regioselectivity and substrate specificity in a family of enzymes: the case study of ubiquinone biosynthesis hydroxylases (Esque)
T6.10 Towards the potentiation of selective inhibition of Mfd nanomachine (Samantha Samson)
T6.12 Modeling of NK-cell immunosurveillance in normal and pathological BM microenvironement (Berenice Schell)

Thu. 7th
T6.1 LibProtein: a rapid and versatile annotation library for protein post-translational annotations (Hamady Ba)
T6.3 Towards molecular understanding of the UbiJ-UbiK2 protein complex by multiscale molecular modelling studies (Romain Launay)
T6.5 A new way for finding drugs target protein and discover new protein complex in CETSA experiment (Marc-Antoine Gerault)
T6.7 Reduced structural flexibility of eplet amino acids in HLA proteins (Diego Amaya)
T6.9 BioacPepFinder: Discovery of bioactive peptides from protein digestion (Isabelle Guigon)
T6.11 Structural prediction of macromolecular interactions using evolutionary information (Jessica Andreani)


T7: Statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence & image analysis

Wed. 6th
T7.2 Integrated Analyses of Large Scale RNAseq Data in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Riedel Cédric)
T7.4 Prediction of tumor microenvironment heterogeneity in kidney cancers by cell deconvolution (Pauline Bazelle)
T7.6 Implementing a Text Mining Service Offer on the Migale Bioinformatics Platform (Mouhamadou Ba, Valentin Loux)
T7.8 Novel adversarial autoencoders to simulate human genomic data for clinical research (Callum Burnard)
T7.10 Predicting gene regulation through co-occurrence and evolutionary conservation of transcription factor binding sites (Laura Turchi)
T7.12 Dynamic genes network inference and very short time series. How repeated acoustic stimuli affect plant immunity? (Khaoula Hadj Amor)
T7.14 Using contrast to study RNA transcripts co-maturations (Benjamin Vacus)
T7.16 Robust deconvolution of transcriptomic samples using the gene covariance structure (Bastien Chassagnol)
T7.18 Feature selection in longitudinal microbiome data via the analysis of random projections (Diego Tomassi)
T7.20 Machine learning analysis on transcriptomic data reveals novel target genes of the WNT/$\beta$-catenin pathway in colorectal cancer (Andres Aravena)
T7.22 Bioinformatics integration of regulatory regions and variants in immune cells (Marie Michel)
T7.24 DetecTree, from freehand drawing to digital patient care in genomic medicine (Rafik Mankour)
T7.26 Predicting the tissue of origin from circulating DNA fragments: Biological lessons learned from a comprehensive analysis of genetic, functional and computational features to increase the accuracy of a statistical mode. (Elyas Mouhou)
T7.28 Predicting adverse drug reactions on organs using sequential neural network models. (Bryan Dafniet)
T7.30 Exploring cell morphological profile information for the de-risking of small molecules. (Fabrice Camilleri)
T7.32 Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Double Clustering (LDA-DC): Discovering patients phenotypes and cell populations within a single Bayesian framework (Elie El Hachem)

Thu. 7th
T7.1 Investigation of neural population-based optimization (Vaitea Opuu)
T7.3 A novel method to identify and score clusters of motifs of protein sequences (CLUMPs) based on amino acids physicochemical properties. (Paola Porracciolo)
T7.5 Statistical approach for the detection of transposable element insertion bias in Drosophila melanogaster (Braham Elyes)
T7.7 Generation of a genome-wide 3D RNA profile of the catshark habenulae (Hélène Mayeur)
T7.9 Développement d’une méthode quantitative d’analyse de données RNA-Seq pour l’étude des variations in vivo des états de phosphorylation en 5’ des ARN et application chez Staphylococcus aureus (Tomas Caetano)
T7.11 Identification of epimutations in rare diseases from a single patient perspective. (Robin Grolaux)
T7.13 A general framework for classifying genomic sequences with Transformers: Application to gene annotation. (Matthias Lorthiois)
T7.15 Deep learning approaches as scoring methods for protein-protein rigid body docking. (Helene Bret)
T7.17 AOP-helpFinder : a tool for exploration of the literature to support adverse outcome pathways development (Thomas Jaylet)
T7.19 Axonal Delay Learning: from biology to computational neuroscience (Amélie Gruel)
T7.21 SciGeneX: an unsupervised method to naturally discover cell types or cell states based on patterns of co-expressed genes in single-cell RNA-sequencing data (Julie Bavais)
T7.23 Bulk RNA-Seq deconvolution for the study of hemorrhagic fever (Emeline Perthame)
T7.25 Wasserstein regularisation for multidataset PCA (Stéphane Béreux)
T7.27 Computational study of chemical-induced liver injury using high-content imaging phenotypes (Vanille Lejal)
T7.29 EnzBert : Transformer pour la caractérisation d'enzyme (Nicolas Buton)
T7.31 Automatic Empirical Segmentation of the Peritumoral Area in Lung Cancer Computed Tomography, Locating the Non-anatomical (Alexis Nolin-Lapalme)


T8: Systems biology & metabolomics

Wed. 6th
T8.2 Nouvelle signature pour GSEA à partir des métabolites (Syrine Bouallegue)
T8.4 Deciphering the molecular network controlling the biology of the pig blastocyst and its cellular interactions (Adrien Dufour)
T8.6 Prioritization of Master Regulators Through Influence Maximization (Clémence Réda)
T8.8 Multi-omic integration: adding network topology to study axial spondyloarthritis (Beaudoin Annabelle)
T8.10 Logic programs to infer computational models of the human embryonic development (Mathieu Bolteau)
T8.12 What are the functions of the short open reading frame-encoded peptides in monocytes? An interactomic approach. (Sébastien A. Choteau)
T8.14 Met4J, a programmatic toolbox for graph-based analysis of metabolic networks (Ludovic Cottret)
T8.16 Improving the analysis of toxicants Mechanisms of Action with condition-specific models and network analysis (Louison)
T8.18 Logical Modeling of Dysferlinopathies (Nadine Ben Boina)
T8.20 An agent-based model of tumor-associated macrophage differentiation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Nina Verstraete)
T8.22 A secondary analysis of the ASSESS cohort data: the role of IFNa on genes in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (Diana Trutschel)
T8.24 Galaxy-SynBioCAD: tools and automated pipelines for Synthetic Biology Design and Metabolic Engineering (Thomas Duigou)

Thu. 7th
T8.1 Chemomaps: Exploring the chimiodiversity of the living organisms (Solweig Hennechart)
T8.3 DNA methylation profiling of ATM-deficient breast tumours (Nicolas Viart)
T8.5 Modelling the dynamics of Salmonella infection in the gut at the bacterial and host levels (Muller Coralie, Wortsman Arie)
T8.7 Using machine-learning on metabolomics data to predict complex phenotypes (Sylvain Prigent)
T8.9 Metamodelling of Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (Pablo Ugalde-Salas)
T8.11 Machine Learning classification performance on mechanistic representations of the gut microbiota built from abundance profiles (Baptiste Ruiz)
T8.13 A new Penicillium chrysogenum Genome Scale-Metabolic Network: reconciliation of previous data and focus on specialised metabolism (Delphine Nègre)
T8.15 Modélisation du métabolisme de l'adénocarcinome pancréatique (Laetitia Gibart)
T8.17 The UNTWIST project: Network analysis and performance modelling of Camelina sativa under thermal and water stress (Malo Le Boulch)
T8.19 Towards a data-driven network inference of interactions between immune and cancer cells in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (Malvina Marku)
T8.21 Probing SARS-CoV-2 RNA interactome to identify post-transcriptional dysregulation associated with COVID-19 (Deeya Saha)
T8.23 A Design of Experiment strategy for GRN selection and refinement (Matteo Bouvier)
T8.25 RFLOMICS : R package and Shiny interface for Integrative analysis of omics data. (Nadia Bessoltane)


T9: Workflows, reproducibility & open science

Wed. 6th
T9.2 EMERGEN-DB : The French database for SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance and research (Imane Messak)
T9.4 The IFB Catalogue (Hervé Ménager)
T9.6 Towards open science for deep sea sponge microbiomes (Emery Clara)
T9.8 Team efforts of the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub of Institut Pasteur in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (Julien Fumey)
T9.10 Montpellier GenomiX (MGX) : next-generation sequencing and data analysis service and expertise (Xavier Mialhe)
T9.12 A collaborative methodology for MULTI-OMIC analysis (Florent Dumont)
T9.14 The Migale bioinformatics core facility (Valentin Loux)
T9.16 Single-cell Initiative of Institut Curie: presentation of technologies & bioinformatics resources (Louisa Hadj Abed)
T9.18 REPET evolutions: faster and easier (Mariene Wan)
T9.20 ePeak: from replicated chromatin profiling data to epigenomic dynamics (Rachel Legendre)
T9.22 Creation of an integrated molecular dynamics workflow on the Galaxy platform : Characterization of aquaporin pores (Agnes-Elisabeth Petit)
T9.24 Development of a pipeline integrating single-cell omic sequencing and phenotypic imaging analyses (Coline Gardou)
T9.26 PitViper: a software for comparative meta-analysis and annotation of functional screening data (Paul-Arthur Meslin)
T9.28 SCHNAPPs - Single Cell sHiNy APPlication(s) (Claudia Chica)
T9.30 Automatization of Quality Data Workflows at a Genomic Platform: the GeT-PlaGe Solution (Claire Kuchly)
T9.32 MaDMP4ls, or how to better manage bioinformatics projects with MY (Konogan Bourhy)

Thu. 7th
T9.1 Impact environnementaux et sociaux du numérique (David Benaben)
T9.3 Omics Data Analysis Facilities in a Biomedical Research Institute (Beata Gyorgy)
T9.5 IFB training activities and resources (Khamvongsa-Charbonnier Lucie)
T9.7 The Assemblathon of the UAR 2AD, Data Acquisition and Analysis for Natural History (Marie Cariou)
T9.9 BioInformatics and Genomics platform at Institut Sophia Agrobiotech (Da Rocha Martine)
T9.11 Automated solutions for big genomic data treatment in the context of the medical diagnosis platform SeqOIA (Adrien Legendre, Thomas Rambaud)
T9.13 ABiMS: Analysis and Bioinformatics for Marine Science (Corre Erwan)
T9.15 scAN10 : A reproductible and modular Nextflow pipeline for processing 10X single cell RNAseq data (Maxime Lepetit)
T9.17 EDAM, life sciences ontology for data analysis and management. (Lucie Lamothe)
T9.19 Comparison of Stacks and a custom pipeline for RADseq analysis (Enora Geslain)
T9.21 CEA JupyterHub platform for multi-omics data analysis (Solène Mauger)
T9.23 Supports for imaging projects toward Open Science at AuBi platform (Nadia Goué)
T9.25 Assemblage hybride d'un transcriptome de novo de Solanum nigrum (Emma Corre)
T9.27 Poster a Galaxy server for the French bioinformatics community (Anthony Bretaudeau)
T9.29 The IFB Core Cluster : an open HPC resource for all biologists and the breeding ground of the IFB National Network of Computational Resources (NNCR) (Gildas Le Corguillé)
T9.31 A new bioinformatics pipeline for the analysis of hepatitis B virus transcriptome by Nanopore sequencing coupled to 5’RACE (Xavier Grand)


Posters of demos
D.1 Comptage massif et distribué de k-mers (Alban Mancheron)
D.2 IMPatienT: an integrated web application to digitize, process and explore multimodal patient data (Corentin Meyer)
D.3 FAIR-Checker: Checking and Inspecting metadata for FAIR bioinformatics resources. (Thomas Rosnet)
D.4 Openlink, a data management dashboard for research teams (Laurent Bouri)
D.5 : a user-friendly web interface to phylogenomic tools and reconciliation workflow (Adrien Limouzin-Lamothe)
D.6 RiboTaxa: Combined approaches for taxonomic resolution down to the species level from metagenomics data revealing novelties (Oshma Chakoory)
D.7 ASTERICS: A Tool for the ExploRation and Integration of omiCS data (Céline Noirot)
D.8 Fantasio : Identifying rare recessive variants involved in multifactorial traits (Margot Derouin)
D.9 Snakemake RNAseq workflow including repeat expression analysis (Magali Hennion)


Posters of collaborative networks, working groups or associations
N.1 Expé-1point5 : une expérimentation nationale unique pour faciliter et étudier la transition des labos de recherche vers une réduction de leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre (Schbath Sophie)
N.2 KATY european consortium: supporting the AI revolution in precision oncology (Florian Jeanneret)
N.3 ABRomics - a digital platform on antimicrobial resistance to store, integrate, analyze and share multi-omics data (Pierre Marin)
N.4 Montpellier Omics Days: An annual bioinformatics and biostatistics conference organised by Bioinformatics students (Yascim Kamel)
N.5 Green-BIM: a study to make young bioinformaticians aware of the carbon footprint of bioinformatics (Matthias Lorthiois & Hélène Dauchel)
N.7 JeBiF - Association for the Young Bioinformaticians of France (Sarah Guinchard)


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