Programme > Démos

Espaces posters et démos


Programme des démos

Wednesday 6th - room 14

  • [11:35] RiboTaxa: Combined approaches for taxonomic resolution down to the species level from metagenomics data revealing novelties (Oshma Chakoory, poster D.6)
  • [12:00] Computing lowest common ancestors on SAM files with sam2lca (Maxime Borry

Wednesday 6th - room 15

  • [11:35] Demo of SciGeneX - an unsupervised method to naturally discover cell types or cell states based on patterns of co-expressed genes in single-cell RNA-sequencing data (Julie Bavais).

Wednesday 6th - amphi A

  • [11:35] Thirdkind : Drawing phylogenetic encounters up to 3 reconciliation levels (Simon Penel)
  • [12:00] : a user-friendly web interface to phylogenomic tools and reconciliation workflow (Adrien Limouzin-Lamothe, poster D.5)

Wednesday 6th - amphi B

  • [11:35] FAIR-Checker: Checking and Inspecting metadata for FAIR bioinformatics resources (Thomas Rosnet, poster D.3)
  • [12:00] Openlink, a data management dashboard for research teams (Laurent Bouri, poster D.4)

Wednesday 6th - amphi C

  • [11:35] IMPatienT: an integrated web application to digitize, process and explore multimodal patient data (Corentin Meyer, poster D.2)
  • [12:00] FAIDARE, Plant research data discovery portal for distributed data repositories (Maud Marty)



Thursday 7th - room 14

  • [11:35] Comptage massif et distribué de k-mers (Alban Mancheron, poster D.6)
  • [12:00] De Novo SNP, InDels and Alternative Splicing Events discovery, annotation and quantification from RNA-seq data with KisSplice (Audric Cologne).

Thursday 7th - room 15

  • [11:35] RepetDB v2: A unified resource for transposable element references (Mariene Wan).
  • [12:00] Snakemake RNAseq workflow including repeat expression analysis (Magali Hennion, poster D.9)

Thursday 7th - amphi B

  • [11:35] ASTERICS: A Tool for the ExploRation and Integration of omiCS data (Céline Noirot, poster D.7)
  • [12:00] Fantasio : Identifying rare recessive variants involved in multifactorial traits (Margot Derouin, poster D.8)

Thursday 7th - amphi C

  • [11:35] Visualization of FAANG data with VizFaDa (Laura Morel)
  • [12:00] ProFeatMap: a customizable tool for 2D feature representation of protein sets (Goran Bich)
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